Be it the wildlife or the intriguing beauty, Madagascar is just a perfect place for your next vacation.
Despite its size and location, Madagascar still remains one of the continent's most undiscovered corners.
A land with many faces - golden beaches, lush mountains, jagged limestone peaks, and deep arid canyons - these differing ecosystems are home to a vast array of wildlife, ninety per cent of which isn't found anywhere else on earth.
Red soil is found mainly in the central highlands, where the country is also called the "Great Red Island."
About half of the vanilla crops grown in the world are produced in Madagascar, the world's largest vanilla exporter.
Locals and tourists alike appreciate the weaving and silk production techniques of Madagascar. The country's decorative papers and zebu-horn jewellery are also favourite tourist attractions.
Those visiting Madagascar will find that the country offers something for everyone, from untouched beaches to pristine rainforests. Antananarivo, the capital, is a melting pot of colonial history, diverse culture, and fine modern cuisine.
There are many spicy dishes in Madagascar that incorporate a lot of chillies, onion, garlic, ginger, curry, tomatoes, and ginger. If you aren't sure what to eat in Madagascar, remember that it is influenced by Arabia, China, France, and India
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A trip to Madagascar is a unique travel experience filled with ancient landscapes, postcard-perfect beaches, and a wide variety of cuisines from around the world. These five spots are a must-see in Madagascar.